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危险品去智利能空运快递吗?出口商:危险品空运和快递到智利有服务吗? 我:有的!包有的! 智利危险品空运的话,一般是到阿图罗梅里诺-贝尼特斯国际机场(三字代码:SCL),位于智利首都圣地亚哥。大陆出危险品需要英文MSDS,订舱托书,危包证和报关资料。但当没资料或者不齐全的情况下,也是可以出的,我们从香港出不需要危包证商检,只要给到MSDS和订舱委托书。 国际快递的话,智利是有正规危险品国际快递服务的,但是目前只有快递到智利SCl机场。从香港出货只需要提供英文MSDS和箱单发票。 注意:①货物出口智利需要提前跟客户确认好是否能清关提货,没问题再安排发货以免货到了清不了关就很麻烦。②空运和国际快递,危险品包装一定要满足IATA规定的包装要求才能上飞机,所以包装要提前确认好。0 评论 0 分享 457 浏览次数 0 评价
SHUANG XING SX-TC03 baby stroller video demonstration.
US web: www.sxbabysupply.com
Russian web: www.sxbaby.ru
Email: sale01@sxbabysupply.com
nancy01@sxbaby.ruSHUANG XING SX-TC03 baby stroller video demonstration. US web: www.sxbabysupply.com Russian web: www.sxbaby.ru Email: sale01@sxbabysupply.com nancy01@sxbaby.ruBaby StrollerWe are a factory that produces and sells baby strollers. Our main product is 4-in-1 baby strollers, which are priced competitively. This baby stroller can be folded and flipped, and can also be used by newborns as young as 0 years old. It is very convenient for traveling. -
唯理多通道脑电图EEG采集仪产品介绍 唯理基于生物电领域针对多通道脑电采集产品提出一整套解决方案,包括方案开发、电路设计、生产制造、调试测试一体化服务,支持多场景采集,多模态整合,拥有高精度数据。 硬件端我们支持多通道采集,低噪声信号,配合蓝牙芯片,将所采脑电信号实时上传至软件端,在通过精准算法分析数据,迅速完成信号的采集处理及其显示。 产品优势 佩戴舒适柔性电极接触,无不适感 无需涂胶,一次性电极,干净卫生 可调整电极进深,适合不同形状头型 无线数据传输,特制BLE协议不丢包 匹配完善的PC和手机软件,方便对数据进行展示和存储 完善的一整套脑电方案,支持二次开发 主动屏蔽技术 支持脑电信号记录、事件标记功能 支持多通道定制化(通道数:8/16/32/64) 创新性凝胶电极,佩戴舒适 专利锁止结构,配置简单 多种尺码,覆盖所有人群...0 评论 0 分享 452 浏览次数 0 评价
国产唯理医疗级心电ECG采集处理模块模块简介 WLEC2医疗级心电模块是一款专用于ECG采集的模块,可以达到医疗器械注册的技术标准。模拟部分采用唯理科技低功耗高精度的 WL128 芯片采集,并配置硬件 RC 滤波,具有交流直流信号耦合方式;块内采用 32位高性能单片机,内置优秀的数据处理算法,可实时计算心率并输出心率以及经过处理的心电波形,配合唯理科技心电计算API,可以为用户提供有关心脏的丰富的健康和疾病分析指标。 基于唯理自研芯片WL128,我们开发出了一套精简高效的心电采集模,而且还可以同步输出WLS128芯片的原始心块,可搭配蓝牙或串口传输数据,电采样的24bit数据,模块使用邮票孔和标准2.54mm插口的方式引出了数据和电源接口,且电极的信号可通过 5pin 间距1.27mm 的排座引出,使用方式灵活集成简单。 使用自研量产芯片,性能优越,响应迅速。...
About Company
KAIQI group was established in 1995 which has two major industrial parks in Shanghai and Wenzhou ,covers an area of more than 160,000 m2.Kaiqi group is the earliest enterprise in China that integrates the production and R&D of Playground Equipment. Our products cover more than 50 series including indoor and outdoor playgrounds, theme park equipment, Rope course, kindergarten toy and teaching equipment, etc. Kaiqi group has developed into the largest manufacturer of playground equipment and preschool education equipment inChina.
**Contact us **
😀About Company KAIQI group was established in 1995 which has two major industrial parks in Shanghai and Wenzhou ,covers an area of more than 160,000 m2.Kaiqi group is the earliest enterprise in China that integrates the production and R&D of Playground Equipment. Our products cover more than 50 series including indoor and outdoor playgrounds, theme park equipment, Rope course, kindergarten toy and teaching equipment, etc. Kaiqi group has developed into the largest manufacturer of playground equipment and preschool education equipment inChina. **Contact us ** 📧sales5@chinaplayground.com 🌐www.chinaplayground.com -
**Contact us **
**Contact us ** 📧sales5@chinaplayground.com 🌐www.chinaplayground.comThemed Playground, Trampoline Park, Plastic Play House - KAIQIKAIQI group is the earliest enterprise in China that integrates the production and R&D of Playground Equipment and has developed into the largest manufacturer of playground equipment.0 评论 0 分享 267 浏览次数 0 评价 -