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  • 高端电、燃气烧烤炉设备制造商
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    高端电、燃气烧烤炉设备制造商 无烟环保烧烤炉、底灯炉、地瓜炉等 好品质注定好品牌 电话19306273222 微信同号 邮箱:m19306273222@163.com
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  • Trusted Choice for Quality & Purity 。At Tianjin Jiumao International Trade Co..Ltd we are proud to present Agricultural (Ammonium Chloride Powder/granular),Mining chemicals(PNBX ,KAX ,SEX,SIPX), Water Treatment Chemicals (Calcium hypochlorite, TCCA , SDIC). Why choose Tianjin Jiumao International Trade Co..Ltd • Premium Quality: Meets the highest industry standards for food, pharmaceuticals, and industrial uses.
    • Wide Applications: Perfect for food, water treatment and so on
    • Consistency You Can Trust: Reliable supply with consistent performance every time.
    • Eco-Friendly & Safe: A natural, biodegradable product that aligns with sustainability goals. Partner with us for all your citric acid needs and experience the Tianjin Jiumao International Trade Co..Ltd to quality and customer satisfaction.

    Discover More:
    Email us:marina.ma@tjxinze.com WhatsApp: +86 1919317503
    Trusted Choice for Quality & Purity 。At Tianjin Jiumao International Trade Co..Ltd we are proud to present Agricultural (Ammonium Chloride Powder/granular),Mining chemicals(PNBX ,KAX ,SEX,SIPX), Water Treatment Chemicals (Calcium hypochlorite, TCCA , SDIC). Why choose Tianjin Jiumao International Trade Co..Ltd • Premium Quality: Meets the highest industry standards for food, pharmaceuticals, and industrial uses. • Wide Applications: Perfect for food, water treatment and so on • Consistency You Can Trust: Reliable supply with consistent performance every time. • Eco-Friendly & Safe: A natural, biodegradable product that aligns with sustainability goals. Partner with us for all your citric acid needs and experience the Tianjin Jiumao International Trade Co..Ltd to quality and customer satisfaction. 📦 Discover More: 📧 Email us:marina.ma@tjxinze.com📱 WhatsApp: +86 1919317503
    0 评论 0 分享 561 浏览次数 0 评价
  • Baby stroller, convenient, lightweight, wholesale in large quantities, welcome to inquire
    US web:  https://www.sxbabysupply.com
    Russian web:  https://www.sxbaby.ru
    Email: sale01@sxbabysupply.com
    Baby stroller, convenient, lightweight, wholesale in large quantities, welcome to inquire US web:  https://www.sxbabysupply.com Russian web:  https://www.sxbaby.ru Email: sale01@sxbabysupply.com nancy01@sxbaby.ru
    0 评论 0 分享 290 浏览次数 5 0 评价
  • Baby stroller, convenient, lightweight, wholesale in large quantities, welcome to inquire
    US web:  https://www.sxbabysupply.com
    Russian web:  https://www.sxbaby.ru
    Email: sale01@sxbabysupply.com
    Baby stroller, convenient, lightweight, wholesale in large quantities, welcome to inquire US web:  https://www.sxbabysupply.com Russian web:  https://www.sxbaby.ru Email: sale01@sxbabysupply.com nancy01@sxbaby.ru
    0 评论 0 分享 323 浏览次数 7 0 评价
  • 0 评论 0 分享 80 浏览次数 0 评价
  • 只需1分钟即可进行焦虑抑郁精神压力的快速评估,心电技术助理精神问题筛查
    学生精神压力大、焦虑抑郁问题让家长和学校头疼不已 •全国性调查显示我国6至16岁在校中小学生精神疾病患病率高达17.5%•父母教养方式、学习生活压力、身体健康状况和睡眠质量等均是引起焦虑抑郁的相关因素•目前学校还主要以问卷形式来进行评估,客观性差,且无法进行快速周期性筛查 除了学生之外,老年人的心理状态也通常被忽视。目前心理机构对疲劳、精神压力、焦虑抑郁的评估还主要依赖问卷和观察。但是问卷的主管作答容易导致一定的偏差,且同样的一份问卷不适合周期性实施。 亟需一种快速的筛查手段,对精神及疲劳状态进行客观性评估。 苏州唯理推出了一款基于医疗级心电图原理+算法的解决方案,可以在一分钟完成快速评估,由AI算法驱动,可以对焦虑抑郁倾向、身体疲劳程度、心脏风险进行评估和筛查。该解决方案已经获得医疗器械注册认证,同时应用在部分医院的精神科与心理科当中。...
    0 评论 0 分享 371 浏览次数 0 评价
  • 国产用于生物电测量的低功耗双通道模拟前端芯片
    特性 两个低噪声可编程增益放⼤器 (PGA) 和两个⾼分辨 率模数转换器 (24bit ADC) 数据速率:125SPS ⾄ 8kSPS 可编程增益:1,2,3,4,6,8 或 12 电源:单极。模拟电压:2.7V ⾄ 3.3V。数字电压:2.7V ⾄ 3.3V 内置右腿驱动放⼤器(RLD)、持续断线检测 内置时钟振荡器和内置参考电压 断电、待机模式 串⾏外设接口 (SPI) 低功耗:每通道功耗低于 300uA 可配置两电极、三电极、五电极模式 高输入阻抗:适配各种类型的⼲电极,最⼤可承受 300mV 的极化电压 工作温度范围:–40°C ⾄ +85°C 应用 体育运动智能设备、智能健身器械(采集⼼电 ECG 和精确计算心率) 可穿戴设备,个人健康监测设备等(采集⼼电 ECG 和精确计算心率)...
    0 评论 0 分享 376 浏览次数 0 评价
  • Today, when I was visiting florr, I met a very nice person. He said his user name was Tôn Thất Phan Đa. If anyone saw him or knew him, please ask him to be my friend.
    Today, when I was visiting florr, I met a very nice person. He said his user name was Tôn Thất Phan Đa. If anyone saw him or knew him, please ask him to be my friend.
    0 评论 0 分享 191 浏览次数 0 评价