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危险品走海运拼箱没有危包可以出吗?简单了解一下危包证是什么?危包证是危险货物国际运输包装要求合规的证明。对于出口的危险货物,国家规定用于装载出口危险货物的包装,必须由包装生产企业向检验检疫机申请对包装容器进行性能鉴定,出具“出境危险货物运输包装性能鉴定结果单”,简称“性能单”。生产出口危险货物的企业,必须向检验检疫机构对包装容器进行使用鉴定,出具“出境危险货物运输包装使用鉴定结果单”,简称“危包证”。危险货物在船开之前要提供危包证以及其他相关资料向海事局和港务局进行危险品申报。没有危包证(或其他同等效力的包装证明)的危险货运禁止出口。 有很多企业因为这个问题被困扰了很久,白白错失很多单子。只知道大陆的渠道,但是大陆出危险品是比较严格的,需要提供到危包证,商检(看HS...0 评论 0 分享 504 浏览次数 0 评价
Our company has its own warehouse, and we will pack the finished products and load them into the container of the truck with people for transportation to western countries
Our company has its own warehouse, and we will pack the finished products and load them into the container of the truck with people for transportation to western countries .
A good price.If necessary, please contact me.
Tel:+86 19193175034
e-mail:marina.ma@tjxinze.comOur company has its own warehouse, and we will pack the finished products and load them into the container of the truck with people for transportation to western countries Our company has its own warehouse, and we will pack the finished products and load them into the container of the truck with people for transportation to western countries . A good price.If necessary, please contact me. Tel:+86 19193175034 Wechat:Capricornus-HCXL e-mail:marina.ma@tjxinze.com2 评论 0 分享 845 浏览次数 0 评价