LUNNAR costume


可做   以下类目
T恤 羽绒裤 棉裤  羽绒马甲  羊绒衫 羊毛衫  卫裤  短裤  套装 民族服装  休闲裤  T恤  针织衫/毛衣  夹克  卫衣  西服  牛仔裤  Polo衫  衬 衫 西裤  西服套装  背心/马甲 风衣    棉衣  羽绒服    毛呢大衣
背心吊带  抹胸  毛衣  衬衫   蕾丝衫/雪纺衫   半身裙   大码女装
POLO衫   连体衣/裤   毛针织  中老年女装   卫衣/绒衫  羽绒服棉
棉衣/棉服    风衣

Strength clothing manufacturers can produce the following categories: T-shirts, down trousers, cotton-padded trousers, down vests, cashmere sweaters, sweatpants, shorts, suits, ethnic dresses, casual trousers, knit shirts/sweaters, jackets, hoodies, suits, jeans, polo shirts, lining trousers, suit vests/vests, windbreakers, cotton-padded down jackets, woolen coats, tank tops, halter tops, sweater shirts, lace/chiffon skirts, plus size women's dresses, POLO shirts, jumpsuits/trousers, wool knitted hoodies/fleece down jackets for middle-aged and elderly women, cotton, cotton-padded/cotton-padded trench coats.