Chinese daily greetings 中文打招呼
A: 你早!
Good morning.
B: 早上好!
Good morning.
A: 晚上好!
Good evening.
B: 你好!
Good evening.
A: 晚安!
Good night.
B: 请早点儿休息
Good night.
A: 欢迎!
Thank you.
A: 您身体好吗?
How are you?
B: 我很好,你呢?
l am fine. How about you?
A: 我也很好,谢谢。
I am fine too. Thanks.
How is your husband?
A: 他还可以,谢谢。
He is OK. Thank you.
B: 最近忙吗?
Are you busy these days?
A: 很忙,你呢?
Yes ,very busy. How about you?
B: (我) 不太 忙。
Not too busy.
A: 好久没见面了。
Long time no see.
B: 是的,好不见了。
Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time.
A: 最近去哪里了?
Where have you been recently?
B: 去北京出差了。
I've been to Beijing on business.
A: 向你太太问好。
Please give my regards to your wife.
B: 我也向你先生问好。
Give mine to your husband too.
A: 再见。
B: 再会。
A: 明天见。
See you tomorrow.
B: Bai bai.
A: 那么,回(头)见。
Then,see you later.
B: 一会儿见。
See you later.
1 Chinese daily greetings 中文打招呼 A: 你早! Good morning. B: 早上好! Good morning. 2. A: 晚上好! Good evening. B: 你好! Good evening. 3. A: 晚安! Good night. B: 请早点儿休息 Good night. 4. A: 欢迎! Welcome. B:谢谢。 Thank you. 5. A: 您身体好吗? How are you? B: 我很好,你呢? l am fine. How about you? A: 我也很好,谢谢。 I am fine too. Thanks. B:你先生身体好吗? How is your husband? A: 他还可以,谢谢。 He is OK. Thank you. B: 最近忙吗? Are you busy these days? A: 很忙,你呢? Yes ,very busy. How about you? B: (我) 不太 忙。 Not too busy. 6. A: 好久没见面了。 Long time no see. B: 是的,好不见了。 Yes, we haven't seen each other for a long time. A: 最近去哪里了? Where have you been recently? B: 去北京出差了。 I've been to Beijing on business. A: 向你太太问好。 Please give my regards to your wife. B: 我也向你先生问好。 Give mine to your husband too. A: 再见。 Good-bye. B: 再会。 Good-bye. 7. A: 明天见。 See you tomorrow. B: Bai bai. Bye. 8. A: 那么,回(头)见。 Then,see you later. B: 一会儿见。 See you later.0 评论 0 分享 293 浏览次数 0 评价请登录以点赞、分享和评论! -
Each learns three Chinese pinyin characters。
Each learns three Chinese pinyin characters。 汉字拼音字母-- 韵母系列 a,(发a时,嘴张大,舌头居中,舌面中间微微隆起); o,(发o时,嘴唇拢圆,舌头后缩,舌面后部隆起); e,(发e时,嘴半开半闭,嘴角往两边咧开,舌头后缩,舌根稍抬)。0 评论 0 分享 2千 浏览次数 0 评价 -
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