There will still be a little sadness, a little regret, a little unwillingness, just a little.还是会有一点点难过,有一点点的遗憾,有一点点的不甘心,仅仅的一点点。There will still be a little sadness, a little regret, a little unwillingness, just a little.还是会有一点点难过,有一点点的遗憾,有一点点的不甘心,仅仅的一点点。0 评论 0 分享 245 浏览次数 0 评价
You can look back, but you can't go back.Seeing the updated comic by Xiaolin, I remembered a sentence someone once told me: "You can look back, but you can't go back."看到小林更新的漫画,想起曾经有人跟我说过的一句话“你可以回头看,但不能往回走。”0 评论 0 分享 1千 浏览次数 0 评价
Life is long, take your time, and you will get there eventually.
余生很长,慢慢来,终会到达的。Life is long, take your time, and you will get there eventually. 余生很长,慢慢来,终会到达的。 -
电池:5000mAH吹雪神器,暴力涡轮风扇。 13w转超强转速 智能温控不发热 首创LED探照灯 复合碳纤维材质 电池:5000mAH1 评论 0 分享 1千 浏览次数 0 评价 -
总以为来日方长,一切都有机会,其实更多是“过了这个村就没了这个店”,但也没有关系的,长路漫漫,未来可期,没了这个店还会有其他店。总以为来日方长,一切都有机会,其实更多是“过了这个村就没了这个店”,但也没有关系的,长路漫漫,未来可期,没了这个店还会有其他店。0 评论 0 分享 288 浏览次数 0 评价
Although you will often feel very sad, there are always a few moments that make you feel that the world is worth it.Although you will often feel very sad, there are always a few moments that make you feel that the world is worth it.